We had Corinne and Matt's boys, Taylor and Alex, come over on the Saturday before Mother's Day while their parents climbed Mt. Timpanogas. We helped them make mother's day cakes, they helped Grandpa plant tomatos, and ended the day with climbing trees at the park with Tia and Sarah. Also, the title of the post is a reference to what Alex said to Matt when he got back. :) So cute.
This Friday, Sarah, along with 7000 other local church youth, performed in the spectacular Draper Temple Celebration for over 42,000 people-- including the prophet. It was magnificent production, very rich in cultural diversity and Sarah was in the scene that showed the Pioneers coming to Utah. She got to run down the center aisles to the floor to dance with the other youth from our stake.
:) We thought you'd like to see the pics of Sarah in her costume (Thank you, Ruth!).
Also, another point of interest is the wristband they gave her and all the other youth who performed. It says, "Come up to the mountain" which was also the title of the performance.....
It was a spectacular and spiritual performence! Mom cried through most of it and Dad was teary eyed through it.
so uhh..."my turn" according to Mom. So I guess Mom wants me to say how amazing and spiritual it was and how it built my testimony and all of that. so uh I'll give it a go!
Yes it was very fun and I would do it again any time, just ask! so they told us like two or three months ago that President Monson wanted all of the youth in the temple district to put on this huge performance for everyone celebrating the Draper and Oaker Mountain temples. My stake was in the pioneers coming into the vally dance. (there were a bunch of others like the building, celebration, asian, baseball and so on) we were the second act so thankfully we were done quickly. The only scary part was that we were perfoming for the prophet,(who was in the front row) this was being broadcasted to the stake centers and probably the BYU channel plus it was in the newspaper, and the fact that we had 39 seconds to get on stage! AHH! talk about no pressure or anything! It was so cool because I got to go to the conference center mulitiple times to practice, and hear President Monson talk. Im really sad that it was a one night thing and they haven't had a celebration like this since the detication of the Salt Lake temple.