The pine tree in the front yard seems to be dying. We noticed what an inordinate amount of dry pine needles. They were not just on the bottom part of the tree, but they extended all the way up to the top most branches. This has caused us much concern because this tree is the focal point of the front yard landscaping.
We have pulled up most all of the ivy and cut down the pretty red flowered bushes that we thought were sucking up all the water. The other day, a friend came over and said that his tree was doing the same thing; and that a nurseryman told him his tree was getting too much water! With those conflicting ideas we decided to consult with our "own" nurseryman. He thought that the tree was developed enough that its root system made it an effective competitor for the water. After asking how much and often we watered it he did not see how it could be getting too much water. I can, and will, consult some gardening books that I have downstairs in my library; and I will also go online and see what other people have written on the subject. There must be tons of written directions and manuals that I can consult.
Before I left the nursery, the man gave me a free bottle of iron supplement. It was a product line that they were no longer going to carry; and he actually gave it to me for nothing! I cannot ever recall getting something from a store for absolutely no cost. It was a generous gift. I might even use it
There is a lesson somewhere in all of this that I think is important. Sometimes we give people too much and they don't grow very well. Sometimes we give way too little and the same thing happens. How can you tell the difference? I really don't know. I suppose if you asked a good number of nurserymen; and all of them gave you the same advice you could probably trust their collective judgment.
But what if you knew the Master Nurseryman; would He know? I would say that He does; and that if we consulted with Him on a regular basis we would learn to understand Him when He was trying to give us His good advice. I have come to know that really wise people usually only give their advice when it is asked for. When advice is "unasked for" it is often not valued. I am coming to understand that better. I think that may be why Heavenly Father sometimes waits for us to ask Him before giving us advice; though Heaven knows He has showered us with tons of written directions and manuals.
Love, Dad