Saturday, June 6, 2009

Tia's Graduation! :)

So Tia's graduation was more entertaining than I thought. They started out with four student speakers and after each was a mini performance type thing. One guy played the zxylophone, the choir sang, and a girl sang. They were amazing!
What happens at a graduation when the principal speaks? You bring out the beach balls!! apparently, some guy brought like five of them! one would just pop out of nowhere, the graduates would toss it around for about 15 seconds before some security guy would catch it. And every time that they took one away, another would pop out. It was hilarious! Even two beach balls came out of the audience. The principal was getting really annoyed. He was threating to take up 46 minutes of talking and even told the parents not to encourage their kids.
Oh! And how could we forget the pictures!! each graduate, as their name was read, had their picture professionally taken. They put the poses up on the big screen. 9 out of 10 did something funny. People jumped on each others backs, pretended to be on the phone, and we even saw a mug shot! Tia was texting, she wanted to make sure that we could recognize her(well it worked!)
and as you'll see below, Corinne posted pictures of the party afterwards(thanks!!)

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